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Alder Creek Middle School Attendance

Attendance Line 503-353-5723

If your student is absent, please call 503-353-5723 and leave a detailed voice message. We check messages frequently and will excuse your student from class.

If you need to pick your student up early, please call the same attendance number. When picking up our student, please ring the security bell at the front door. Be prepared to show your ID and check in at the Student/Attendance window when picking up your student.  We ask that all early dismissal requests are able to be  completed before 3:45 PM. 

When you are calling in an absence, please be aware of the following list of acceptable reasons that qualifies for an 'excused' absence.

Excused Absences

According to ORS 339.065 excused absences are:

Personal illness, including medical, psychological, and dental care,

Illness or death in the family,

Family emergencies or other compelling circumstances, as determined by the administration

Unexcused Absences

Any absence that has not been excused by the office in accordance with ORS.065 will be an unexcused absence.
Examples include:

  • Car trouble
  • Completing homework assignments at home and then coming to school
  • Hair appointments
  • Job interviews
  • Missing the school bus
  • Oversleeping